Sunday, October 25, 2009


for those of you that dont know, which i presume is many of you, roxxie is another member on here. she commented on my cristianity blog calling me a moron. now, im not mad at her for insulting me, even though i am smarter than she'll ever be, but i am mad at her for obviously being a christian going against the bible. it says in the commandments to "honor thy neighbor". roxxie, we are metophorical neighbors, and calling me a moron isn't exactly honoring me. i hope you like it warm, cause it will be quite hot in hell sinner. also, seeing as how your a journalist, im sure you are aware of the first amendment rights, so theres nothing you can do to stop me from writing stuff like this, so i would advise against giving me silver bullets like this. whos the moron now.

exmortis 3

are you serious? ive been waiting for years to play this with my dad. me and him played the first two and i checked up on it regularlly. one day i just gave up hope, until recently, when i decided to check on the progress. i knew how long hes been working on it, so i expected the greatest game ever. igot this. THIS PEICE OF CRAP!!! since when did he have telikinetic abilities, what up with the sniper dude, and P2P?!?!?!?! i love the series, i truly do, but im not paying to play this. also, it auto saves in the demo, but you actualy have to pay to save it where you want to. i know hes ben working on this a long time, and it cost money to work on it, but couldnt he have put on his blog "hey guys, it cost money to make this so if any of my fans out there could send in some money" like a nice person would?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye West

alright, i hated him before i even heard his songs. he's a self-centered, egotistical, moronic, naiveish punk (i would add more adjectives, but there may be tiny dudes reading this). and i knew that before the VMA's. but what he did there to taylor swift was so stupid, when Johnny Depp lost a kids choice award, sure, i was mad, but i didn't go all the way to Hollywood just to complain. Kanye West should get his butt kicked all the way to Timbuktu.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

common sayings...adwal style

1:never talk to strangers (unless they have free candy in their van.)
2:never jump off a bridge unless you know how deep the water is (instead, let me push you.)
3:the early bird gets the worm (i prefer pancakes, not worms.)
4:old habits die hard (unless you have an rpg launcher.)
5:many hands make light work (how many hands does it take to screw in a lightbulb?)
6:when the cats away, the mice will play (so when the mice are away, what does the cheese do?)
7:necessity, who is the mother of invention (what?)
8:barking dogs seldom bite (tell that to my dog)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


ya ya ya scold me all you want... but lets face it, now me, i believe in god but the fact of the matter is that the bible is full of crap. firstly, 7 days? alright, no matter how great god is, (s)he can't of created every thing in 7 days. then the story of Noah's arc... so 1 old dude, an old chick, and some kids built an arc big enough to hold 2 of every animal and they didn't eat each other? ya that makes a ton of sense. not to mention, does anyone even know who wrote the bible? my guess is that its some 42-year-old dude living in his moms basement. you know, the same dude that met you on myspace. and than theres the story of the birth of christ. "virgin mary" my left buttcheek! heres the deal, she was screwing around with her boyfreind and got knocked up, so what does she tell her parents? "the lord has blessed me with a son!" and through power of suggestion he was born with those powers.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


alright, firstly, who would even call a music genre rap? could it have a lamer name? and can anyone even under stand the words? imeanseriouslyitsliketryingtoreadthisbecausetheirsingingsofast. and its always about music, drugs, and sex. and the rappers themselves, don't get me started. there inbred moronic druggies who cant even form one eloquent statement. however, the song "i like big butts" is helping bk.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Britney Spears

all candies stockholders, sell your stocks now, they hired Britney to help them advertise. who would buy something that that moronic diva advertises! and the haircut thing, we've all got our problems you drama queen. get over it! not to mention that concert deal, when she was pretty much lip syncing to the wrong song.